Frequently Asked Questions
- How can I get codes for classroom door locks?
247 and 189 are not available for outside reservations. 247 is a faculty office, 189 is managed by our scheduling team, but it’s not open to university requests for onetime events, because we have it filled up with engineering classes.
For ENG rooms 285/7 contact Sandy Jacobs, 408-924-3806 or
- How do I make a classroom change request?
If you need to change the room your class is in, please contact your department administrative assistant to prepare and submit the necessary request forms.
- Who do I contact about one-time classroom reservations?
If you need to make a one-time classroom reservation for your class or as a student club advisor, please contact your department administrative assistant to prepare and submit necessary request forms.
- Who do I contact about conference/event room reservations?
Some departments have their own conference rooms. Please check with your department administrative assistant first. ENG 285/7 is available for faculty and staff to request by contacting Sandy Jacobs, 408-924-3806 or . Please contact Sandy at least 72 hours one week before the event to check for availability.
- Who do I contact about classroom internet connection?
If you are unable to use the network during business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm), contact T.G. Tran, 408-924-4012
- How can I get support for classroom computers or overhead projectors?
Contact your department technician about malfunctioning computers or overhead projectors. For problems with the projectors in ENG 189 or 285/7 contact T.G. Tran, 408-924-4012
- How do I report a problem with Engineering room heating or air conditioning?
Place a service request on FD&O’s website. FD&O will email you once your request has been approved for work. You can check on the status of your request on the site as well. Please let your department administrative assistant know that you’ve made the request.
- How do I report an immediate facilities problem (e.g., water leak, backed-up plumbing,
electrical problem)?
Call the FD&O help desk 408-924-1990. Be prepared to give your name, phone number, and the room number or building location of the problem.